If you’re needing to run several find and replace commands in sequence on a bunch of files, TextCrawler 3 can help. It allows you to preview your changes and is very easy to use. See screenshot below
Category: Web Development
Some Options for Scraping Web Pages
Node.js + jQuery
This tutorial shows how to use Node.js with the Express web server framework, the Jade template engine, and the JSDOM parser. You may prefer the Handlebars template engine. This tutorial also includes use of the node “request” and “url” modules.
Continue reading Some Options for Scraping Web PagesCentering Percentage Width/Height Elements
See the Pen dpNgBk by Abdullah Yahya (@javanigus) on CodePen.
Change Order of HTML Elements Without Changing HTML
Sometimes, you might be in a situation where you have a web page showing one element above another as shown in the HTML code but you want the 2nd element to appear above the first element in the browser. One way to accomplish this using just CSS is by using flex, flex column, and order. Witness below. By changing the value of “order”, you can change the order the element appears in the browser.
See the Pen BzNmLp by Abdullah Yahya (@javanigus) on CodePen.
Float an Image Beside Some Text Without Any Text Wrapping (No-Wrap Floats)
The key is to use overflow: hidden on the paragraph text.
See the Pen RaOyKG by Abdullah Yahya (@javanigus) on CodePen.
Computer and Networking Speeds
Theoretical speeds
802.11b – 11 Mbps (2.4GHz)
802.11a – 54 Mbps (5 GHz)
802.11g – 54 Mbps (2.4GHz)
802.11n – 600 Mbps (2.4GHz and 5 GHz) – 150Mbps typical for network adapters, 300Mbps, 450Mbps, and 600Mbps speeds when bonding channels with some routers
802.11ac – 1300+Mbps (5 GHz) – newer standard that uses wider channels, QAM and spatial streams for higher throughput
Actual Average Speeds
Below is a breakdown of actual real-life average speeds you can expect from wireless routers within a reasonable distance, with low interference and small number of simultaneous clients:
802.11b – 2-3 Mbps downstream, up to 5-6 Mbps with some vendor-specific extensions.
802.11g – ~20 Mbps downstream
802.11n – 40-50 Mbps typical, varying greatly depending on configuration, whether it is mixed or N-only network, the number of bonded channels, etc. Specifying a channel, and using 40MHz channels can help achieve 70-80Mbps with some newer routers. Up to 100 Mbps achievable with more expensive commercial equipment with 8×8 arrays, gigabit ports, etc.
802.11ac – 70-100+ Mbps typical, higher speeds possible over short distances without many obstacles, with newer generation 802.11ac routers, and client adapters capable of multiple streams. Continue reading Computer and Networking Speeds
HD Screen and Audio Recording on a Mac (+ Basic Editing)
- Do all of this on a Mac with 1920 x 1080 (HD) resolution
- Install SoundFlower for Mac
This is necessary because QuickTime doesn’t let you record system audio - Play an audio file (e.g. mp3)
- Play a video (e.g. from YouTube)
If you want the video to be full screen, make it so from the application, e.g. YouTube. To remove the window chrome, click Command + Shift + F to maximize. - Open QuickTime Player (included with Mac) and choose “New Screen Recording”
- Next to the record button, click the drop-down and choose Sound Flower 2ch
- Record the video and / or audio
- In QuickTime Player, trim both ends of the video to your liking
- In QuickTime Player, insert other video clips wherever you want on the timeline
- The recorded video will be a huge mov file (large file size). Upload it to YouTube and then download the MP4 from YouTube to compress it.
CSS Display: Flex for Layout
Basic Grid
The grid cells below do not specify any widths, they just naturally space themselves equally and expand to fit the entire row. They’re also equal height by default.
See the Pen oxOegN by Abdullah Yahya (@javanigus) on CodePen.
How to Stop a Chronic Cough, Mucus, and Tickle in Throat
Most people would say that if you have a chronic cough, it’s probably due to allergies. Actually, the two most probable causes of a chronic cough are
- allergies
- acid reflux
I had a chronic cough for many, many years along with an irritating tickle in the back of my throat. I would also have to constantly clear my throat of mucus. I saw many doctors and an allergist and they all told me it was due to allergies and that I had post-nasal drip. I tried many types of pills and inhalers and even a nasal flush but none of them permanently got rid of my chronic cough. After doing some research on my own, I found that acid reflux is often a cause of
- coughing
- mucus
- tickle in back of throat
Continue reading How to Stop a Chronic Cough, Mucus, and Tickle in Throat
Shark Bite: Plumbing Made Easy – No More Soldering!
Today I worked on rerouting some copper pipes in my bathroom so they wouldn’t be exposed. I wanted to install a local shut-off valve so I wouldn’t have to turn off the main water supply outside just to work on the pipes in the bathroom. I bought a 1/4 turn ball valve which needed to be soldered onto the copper pipe. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to heat up the connection, both copper pipe and valve, in order to get the silver solder to melt and leave a tight seal. Some of the reasons include
- a bit water dripping in the pipe which prevents the connection from heating up to a high enough temperature to melt the silver
- the valve was made of an alloy which doesn’t conduct heat as easily and as quickly as copper
After getting fed up with soldering and wasting tons of time, I discovered an amazing, but expensive, product by Shark Bite. They make push-in removable pipe fittings and installing them takes literally 5 seconds. Just push the fittings into the pipes and you’re done. See pics below of some of their fittings.
Believe it or not, these fittings ACTUALLY work! Continue reading Shark Bite: Plumbing Made Easy – No More Soldering!