Common Home Residential Electrical Wiring Connections

How to Wire a Light Switch

Wire a light switch
lightswitch  lightbulb

 Wire a light switch (power into light)
lightbulb  lightswitch

Wire a light switch (multiple lights from one switch)
lightswitch  lightbulb  lightbulb

Wire a light switch (multiple lights and multiple switches)
lightswitch  lightswitch  lightbulb  lightbulb

How to Wire a 3 way Switch

Wire a basic 3-way switch
lightswitch  lightswitch  lightbulb

Wire a 3-way switch (power into light)
lightbulb  lightswitch  lightswitch

Wire a 3-way switch (multiple lights)
lightswitch lightswitch lightbulb lightbulb

Wire a 3-way switch (light between switches)
lightswitch  lightbulb  lightswitch

Wire a 3-way switch (light between switch but power into light)
lightswitch  lightbulb  lightswitch

Wire a 3-way switch (multiple lights between switches)
lightswitch  lightbulb  lightbulb  lightswitch

I bet you never knew there were so many different ways to wire 3 way switches.  Almost every 3 way switch configuration you will encounter in a home will be based on one of these diagrams.

How to Wire a 4-way Switch

Wire a 4-way switch
lightswitch  lightswitch  lightswitch  lightbulb

Wire a 4-way switch (All wires to one box)
lightswitch  lightswitch  lightswitch  lightbulb

How to Wire a Ceiling Fan

Wire a Ceiling Fan (Light Dimmer with Fan Switch)
dimmer-switch-icon  lightswitch fan-icon

Wire a Ceiling Fan (Separate Light and Fan Switches)
lightswitch  lightswitch fan-icon

Wire a Ceiling Fan (Power into Fixture #1)
dimmer-switch-icon  lightswitch fan-icon

Wire a Ceiling Fan (Power into Fixture #2)
lightswitch  lightswitch fan-icon

Wire a Ceiling Fan (Power into Fixture, Single Dimmer)
dimmer-switch-icon  fan-icon

Wire a Ceiling Fan (Power into Fixture, Switch Loop)
lightswitch fan-icon

Wire a Ceiling Fan (Single Switch)
lightswitch fan-icon

How to Wire an Exhaust Fan

Wire a Bathroom/Exhaust Fan
lightswitch  exhaust-fan-icon

Wire an Exhaust Fan (Timer Switch)
timer-switch-icon  exhaust-fan-icon

Wire a Bathroom Fan (Light Switch and Fan Timer)
timer-switch-icon  lightswitch exhaust-fan-icon

How to wire an outlet

Wire a standard outlet
Electrical Outlet

Wire a GFCI outlet
GFCI Outlet

Wiring multiple GFCI outlets
GFCI Outlet  Electrical OutletElectrical Outlet

How to Wire Major Home Appliances

How to wire a stove or range

How to wire a dryer
Wiring a Dryer

How to wire a dishwasher
Wiring Dishwasher

How to wire a water heater
Wiring Water Heater