When designing websites, you normally don’t want to hard code any link or references to files. For example, if you reference an image, you should do so as
[cc lang=”html”]/images/header.jpg[/cc]
instead of
[cc lang=”html”]http://www.mysite.com/images/header.jpg[/cc]
But, what if you are referencing an image on a remote server? Well, instead of hard-coding the protocol like this:
[cc lang=”html”]http://www.anothersite.com/images/header.jpg[/cc]
you can just do this
[cc lang=”html”]//www.anothersite.com/images/header.jpg[/cc]
This way, if your visitor is accessing your site over SSL as in
[cc lang=”html”]https://www.mysite.com[/cc]
then the browser will automatically use https: when fetching the image on the remote server as in
[cc lang=”html”]https://www.anothersite.com/images/header.jpg[/cc]