Website Performance: How Heavy are Your Images?

Images in websites help break up long, boring passages of text and make websites look nice. But, they’re also the heaviest resources you can include in your site.  Let’s take the home page of as an example. With the Google Chrome inspector open to the Network tab and the Images label selected, we load the page and scroll all the way to the bottom (because images are load dynamically as they appear in the viewport). The result in 6.5 MB out of a total of 7.3 MB of data to load the home page came from images alone. That’s a whopping 89% of the page load. Because the images are loaded dynamically as needed, doesn’t load too slowly. However, there are still many websites that are image heavy and don’t do a good job at optimization or caching at all.


PHP 5.5, APC Cache, OpCodes, and Yii Framework

Recently, I upgraded my version of PHP from 4.6 to 5.5.6. I had been using the PHP APC cache to improve performance. I’m using the Yii PHP framework and the settings I had in main.config were

‘cache’ => array(
‘class’ => ‘system.caching.CApcCache’,

PHP 5.5+ now includes a built-in Zend Optimizer opcode cache so the APC cache is no longer supported. As such, my Yii main.config settings needed to change to

‘cache’ => array(
‘class’ => ‘system.caching.CDummyCache’,

in order to work.

Handling Wrapped Words Using whitespace: nowrap

When building a website, you’ll often encounter situations where the title of a section would be just a little too long causing the last word to wrap. Furthermore, this wrapping may only occur in some browsers. You may be inclined to put a BR tag before two or more words so that the title doesn’t look bad but there’s a better way using the CSS whitespace rule.

Create a CSS class as follows:
[cc lang=”css”]
span.nowrap {
white-space: nowrap;

and then use it where you would otherwise put a BR tag, e.g.
[cc lang=”html”]
This is a long title where the last word sometimes wraps.

Continue reading Handling Wrapped Words Using whitespace: nowrap

Browser Mixed Content Warnings

When viewing a website, you may sometimes come across a warning about mixed content. This “mixed content” is the loading of some resources encrypted over SSL and some not over SLL (unencrypted / cleartext). This only happens when the URL of the page you are browsing to is secure, e.g. but some of the resources like css and Javascript files it references are not secure, e.g. or The mixed content warning doesn’t appear when the URL of the page you are viewing is not over SSL, e.g., even if the resources it includes are secure.

To prevent mixed-content warnings, you can do the following:

  • Use protocol-less URLs when referencing resources, e.g. // This way, the protocol (http or https) used will match that of the parent page’s URL. In this case, you need to make sure your included URLs are accessible over both http and https.
  • Always use secure https URLs when reference resources

Show Part of a Page in an iFrame

Sometimes you may come across a need to show part of a web page inside another page. iFrames can be used to embed websites inside another site but they’re often used to show all of a page’s content. If you only want to show part of a page like in the bottom right corner, one approach is to use an overlapping div with hidden overflow and absolute positioning of the iframe within it. Consider the following code. Copy it, replace the URL, and adjust values as necessary.

[cc lang=”html”]


[cc lang=”css”]
div.iframe-container {
overflow: hidden;
margin: 15px 0 0 0;
width: 318px;
height: 488px;
position: relative;
div.iframe-container iframe {
position: absolute;
top: -128px;
left: -623px;

If you’re iframe contains a page that you don’t want users to see within the iframe, you can use a technique called framebusting to have your iframed page bust out of the iframe.

Adjusting Photoshop Resolution to Match Your Computer Screen

If you’re developing a site from a Photoshop PSD file but find that things like font sizes, e.g. 12 pt, don’t look the same size in your browser where you’ve set the CSS font size to 12 pt, then you probably need to adjust your PSD file’s resolution.

To determine the resolution of your screen, you can go to

Mine says 96 dpi. Then, in Photoshop, go to Image > Image Size and set the resolution to 96 and uncheck the “resample” checkbox.

CSS Curly Quotes

<blockquote><span>“</span>Some quote</b><span>”</span></blockquote>

[cc lang=”css”]

blockquote span.quote-mark {
font-size: 3.688em;
font-family: “Times New Roman”, serif;
line-height: 1;
font-weight: 600;
margin-top: -0.1em;
height: 0.4em;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;

span.quote-mark.start {
margin-right: 0.1em;

span.quote-mark.end {
margin-left: 0.06em;


Some quote

2D Bin Packing Algorithm

Recently, I needed to figure out how many 2D rectangles in different quantities I could fit in one large rectangle. (I actually needed to know how many 12″x12″, 10″x10″, 8″x8″, and 13″x8″ shooting targets I could cut out of a sheet of steel that is 315″x78″ in size while minimizing any leftover space.) I came across an algorithm online and modified it a bit to make it a easier to use and understand. Check it out at the link below.

2D Bin Packing Calculator

It turns out, I can get 97% utilization with the following sizes and quantities.

Website Development Process

  1. Plan web page  file names /  URLs
    • Group common pages in a folder and name each page using only descriptive keywords in lowercase with dashes, where applicable, e.g.
    • Use Google Adwords Keyword Planner to find keywords that are frequently searched to improve SEO
  2. Prepare images, sprites
    • If image has a transparent background and is shared across multiple pages (e.g. icons), save as a PNG (24) sprite, e.g. sprite-products-common.png
    • If image has a transparent background and only appears on a single page, save a a PNG (24) sprite, e.g. sprite-products-iphone-cases.png
    • If image doesn’t have a transparent background and is shared across multiple pages, save as a JPG sprite (80% quality), e.g. sprite-products-common.jpg
    • If image doesn’t have a transparent background and only appears on a single page, save as a JPG sprite (80% quality), e.g. sprite-products-iphone-cases.jpg
    • If image needs to appear when web page it is on is printed, save it as a standalone image as either PNG or JPG (depending on transparency) and insert it using the <img> tag, e.g. iphone-case.jpg
    • Save images in sprites using a 50px x 50px grid and snap the top left corner of each image to the grid
    • Don’t save images with styles that can be applied using CSS, e.g. if an image has borders, remove the borders and use CSS borders to apply a border to the image
    • Save all images in /asset/image/ Continue reading Website Development Process

JPEG vs PNG for Website Development

Many books on web development advise readers to save images such as clipart or ones with less than 256 colors in PNG format and to save photographs of real objects such as people that are made up of millions of colors in JPG format. The issue with PNGs (PNG-24), however, is their file sizes are considerably larger than JPG (at 80% quality) even though you can hardly tell the different in quality between a PNG-24 image compared to the same image save as a JPG with 80% quality. Therefore, my advice for saving website images is as follows:

  • Save all images that have a transparent background as a PNG (PNG-24)
  • Save all other images as a JPG (80% quality)

This should help with your website loading time without sacrificing image quality.